Sunday 8 May 2011

Our Auditions

These are the highlights from our Auditions, that we edited together as a way of familiarising ourselves with the equipment. It also meant that we could refer back to the actual events and make a more informed decision about who to use in our Music Video.

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Our Video

This is the finished product for our A2 media studies music video project, the video is being posted online as a part of our course, as such we do not intend any profit or publicity from this video, it is only online for the course, all rights for the song are reserved for Enter Shikari.

Special Thanks, go to Enter Shikari, for permission to use their song, as well as, Stuart Duncan, Karl Smillie, Sophie Mngoma, Helen Morrow and Jake Meyers.

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Our Draft

This is the draft of our A2 Music Video on 'Ok, Time for Pan B' by Enter Shikari. We were half-way between replacing our lead actor as he kept cancelling on our filming shoots, and eventually just stopped showing up to finish the video. Also some shots were changed and/or replaced. But it’s just a work in progress.

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