Friday 12 November 2010

Group Update

Unfortunately Karl has decided to leave the course, and as such has left our group. However, as the work he has completed was deligated from the entire group, his work will be left posted on this blog and in the suplementary folder; while his individual work (such as Textual Analysis) will be removed as it is independant work.
This means that more pressure is put on us during the production stages due to the loss of the member, this means that we require tighter deadlines and to organise more effectively so that filming is done on time and successfully, thereby reducing stress and pressure.

Thank you for reading.
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Friday 15 October 2010

Audition Analysis

Audition Analysis

Unfortunately, since this posting we have replaced our original musicians and actors for various reasons. Firstly, there was a clash of timetables that occurred suddenly, meaning that despite organising times when everyone could film, there was a seriously reduced schedule with which to work with. However, with our lead actor, we had to reshoot our entire video. Once Karl had left college, our actor lost interest in the project and did not turn up to shooting, and when we were due to film the performance, he didn’t tell us that he was not attending. So as a result Jack had to step in as actor, and in order to preserve the message of the video: where the two characters are opposing personalities of the performer.
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Wednesday 13 October 2010

Lyric Annotation

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For our music video task, we needed to get information about content and themes from the public, as such we created a questionaire. From this we wanted to find out colours, locations shot types etc which we could later on use in our music video. As we wanted an average opinion we handed out roughly 30 copies of our questionaire, making sure we handed it out to a mixed audience.

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Tuesday 12 October 2010

Nickelback - Rockstar Textual Analysis

This is an unusual Rock Music Video as it both fulfils conventions for the genre, while also contrasting them. The attitude of the performers, locations and intertextuality are all typical; however, the notion that the audience sing the song, instead of the artist is abstract: although it directly relates to the lyrics and message of the song.

Nickelback - Rockstar Textual Analysis
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Justin Bieber - Never Say Never

This Music Video is predominantly Indie/Pop, although it incorporates different sub-genres. I felt that this would be effective to analyse, as this combination could be something to consider when drafting our project; as it would affect the content and context. I is also an effective video for highlighting the 'notion of looking' and adaptations of the 'male gaze'

Justin Bieber - Never Say Never
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Bruno Mars - Just the Way You Are Textual Analysis

This Music Video was a combination of performance, narrative and abstract; and although it is not a 'rock' video, it effectively combines these three concepts into a cohesive video. It is predominantly 'graphics' based, reflecting upon the 'retro' influences while updating them into a contemporary setting.

Textual Analysis - Just The Way You Are
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Katy Perry - California Gurls Textual Analysis

This Music Video was interesting and useful to analyse as although it was not in the 'rock' genre, it effectively displayed an artistic approach to the song. It combined abstract concepts to reality; reflecting upon the idea of 'magic realism'.

Katy Perry - California Gurls
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Recce Shot Analysis

As a part of our media project we all need to go out and find potential locations for our music video and take pictures of the location and potential angles of the shots we could use. In this document I analysed the types of shots we needed and some in more specific detail.

Recce Shot Analysis
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Monday 11 October 2010


The treatment is a text version of our draft project. As it is text-heavy, it is designed to make information easier and quicker to read. While the Story Board has a similar purpose, but it is more image based: providing a visual representation of the draft.

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Questionaire Analysis

Once we had completed our Questionnaires, and had handed them out to our audience sample, we needed to collect our data and compile it. This was essential for our research as it highlighted what our target audience wanted from our product, thereby improving our audience relation and popularity. I analysed the data collected, and applied it to our initial idea's, to identify popular choices as they will affect our draft.

Questionaire Analysis
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There are multiple Institutions in Britain, let alone the World, and we must consider these and decide what channel and company will produce and air our Music Video. This is because, it is key for exposing and attracting our target audience to our product, thereby increasing our revenue and audience exposure.

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A key element to analysing and creating a Music Video - or any Media product - is understanding and establishing representations. This is because you must recognise them, in order to decide whether you will follow conventional ones, or not. From this, we hope to identify key area's to consider when creating our Music Video, reflecting upon the depth needed in the initial concept, and further production.

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Our Descision

We have been given the choice for our Media Studies A Level Project to create a Music Video or a Soap-Opera Trailer. In either case, we must research into the relevent history and analyse existing materials. We must combine Primary and Secondary Research, to establish the 'type', content and target audience for our product; resulting in a professional quality product. As individuals we decided that we wanted to create a Music Video, and then chose our groups accordingly: the reasons for our decisions are below.

Jack Reynolds

Chip James

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Sunday 10 October 2010

Focus Group Analysis

Focus Group Analysis
After hosting our focus group, we set out to analysing the results from the questions that we asked. From these answers we analysed the points that we can take from the results and use in the production of our music video.

by Chip
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Friday 8 October 2010

Focus Group Questions

We decided to host a focus group, where we invited 7 people, all with different musical tastes and lifestyles, and asked them a number of questions about music videos. The link attached is the structure we used for our focus groups including links to music video's we showed the group.
Focus Group Questions

Katy Perry ft. Snoop Dogg - Calironia Gurls
Paramore - The Only Exception
Blink 182 - Stay Together For The Kids

Enter Shikari - Ok, Time for Plan B
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Thursday 30 September 2010

Nickelback - Rockstar Textual Analysis #1

Nickelback - Rockstar

The only shot throughout the music video
of the artist, adding a feel that the record
company aims to sell this track without the
use of showing solely the artist
 Textual Analysis
Group Analysis
by Chip

The opening shot of the music video, sets
the theme of the song, as the young boy
starts to mime the song.
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Sum 41 - Motivation Textual Analysis

Literal meaning is added to the lyrics of the
song by the singer making numerous hand
gestures like the "small" one in this shot.
Textual Analysis
by Chip

The only solo in this song is shot from behind
this changes the typical convention associated
with the genre as most solos are shot from
infront of the artist, this is a good shot
showing the position of every band member
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Blink 182 - Always Textual Analysis

The main gimmic throughout this music
video is the split screen effect, this is used to
full effect to add originality to the video and
Textual Analysis
by Chip

Four people are featured in this music video
the band and a female actress, the actress is
used in this music for sex appeal and is
shown in her underwear in a number of shots
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Midgar - Lead Your Children to the Sky Textual Analysis

The lead role to this music video is divided
by the band and guest singer, with the
guest singer having a role of recreating the
emotions of the character in the lyrics.
by Chip
The band is used for performance shots
throughout the music video, a contrast is
made between the band and guest star by
the contrast between light and dark in their
sets and roles.

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Eminem - Without Me Textual Analysis

A good example of the many intertextual
references throughout this music video in
 this shot the scene is of a typical american
talk show, but as well as this famous rapper
 Xzibit is seen next tothe Eminem (to the left)

by Chip

Eminem features in this music as more
than just the main star, he also had roles
as characters created for the story of this
music video.
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Friday 24 September 2010


This is our peice on how different genres are represented through music videos. It has a heavy focus on the RnB genre but also analyises the other genres side by side so you can see how they compare in the industry.

Genre (Click Here)
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History of a Music Video

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Thursday 23 September 2010

Initial Ideas

Artists / Songs:
Enter Shikari (Take to the Skies)
– Ok, Time for Plan B
Enter Skikari (Common Dreads)
The Jump Pilots (All)
Dr Pop (All)
Pandora (All)
Sacrifice the Sky (All)

Rock … Indie
Rock … Pure
Rock … Screamo

Target Audience
15-25, male: Rocker

Character 1:
·         Dark
·         Dull
·         Black/Grey
Character 2:
·         Brighter
·         Light
·         Green/

Dark/Bright (contrast)
Harsh = Rock


Rural Character (1)
·         Hoodie/Jeans
·         Rock/Screamo Stereotype
·         Dark/Mysterious (eg. don’t see face)
Business Character (2)
·         Formal/Traditional/Conformist
·         Suit, but strips off outer layers through narrative
·         Sings the ‘Speech’ sections
·         Rock Stereotypical, Dark Clothes?
·         Sings the ‘Screamo’ sections

Narrative and Storylines
The singer MUST be the actor for continuity
The angry singer/calm office-man fight?
The angry singer/calm office-man walk towards each other FOR a fight?
Multiple performances ... rave?
Cannot see Character 1’s face until the big reveal at end, where the two characters are the same person (he is angry at himself)

House? (different rooms have different connotations)
Rural Locations for Character 1:
                eg. graffiti, stage, fences, brick/stone, ‘damaged’
Modern Locations for Character 2:
                eg. glass, office, clean/sterile, ‘Industrial’
Sudden Contrast (mixture of two characters)

Mid-shots used for singing and walking
Long shots used for locations and special surroundings
ECU used for Character 1’s mouth (anonymous singing)
Montage Editing; Graphics Match; Split/Green Screen

Facial Expressions / Body Language
·         Rock: angry, shouting, ‘doubled over’, hand movements
·         Office: boredom, upset, frustration, slower movements
·         Zooms/Pans can create meaning and emphasis

Mise En Scene
Outside shooting (for the walking)
Inside shooting (for the performances)
Instruments/Props (strobe/stage light)
Neon Paint
Mirrors, or a mirrored room?
Costumes: Hoodie and Jeans, scruffy
                      Full Suit, neat and tidy

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Rise of Youtube

This task covers the development of a modern platform for viewing music videos, YouTube, this famous website is a way for users to share a view videos, a great way for record companies to showcase their latest songs and music promos.

Rise of Youtube
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Forms and Conventions

This task develops the individual forms and conventions of music video's and gives examples for them.

Forms and Conventions
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Making of a Music Video

This task develops the individual stages of production, including the different roles of everyone involved in the process. This research is based on the average production, with large and small scale projects obviously changing the stages slightly.

Making of a Music Video
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Star Construction

This is a research task into how Stars are created, including three sections on star image, star vehicle and star power. Developing each section and explaining their meaning.

Star Construction
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The Rise of Music Television

This is a research task into the development of broadcasted music channels, mainly focusing on the first music TV institution MTV, it covers the development of the channels and how they diversified to fit the changing audience, as well as their modern competitors.

Rise of Music Television
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Tuesday 21 September 2010

Genre Research (RnB)

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